Not a dog picture, but one that seems appropriate for the current circumstances.

Paws in Wales is open for 1-2-1 training; GROUP CLASSES WILL RESTART ON SATURDAY 1st AUGUST.

I am limiting numbers in classes to four dogs and handlers which will allow us to maintain social distancing indoors during wet weather.

Classes are suitable only for sociable dogs who are comfortable in company, with the exception of the Space Dogs class on Sunday afternoons which will always be outside and Scent Level 3+ where the dogs are worked individually. These groups have space for six dogs and handlers.

If your dog barks or lunges at other dogs or people please email to discuss 1-2-1 training with my dogs to help prepare them for the class environment.

Saturday 1st August:

2pm Introduction to Passive Scent Workshop (no retrieve necessary)

3.30pm Introduction to Parkour and the Obstacle Courses Workshop

5pm Introduction to Active Scent Workshop (dog brings scented article back to handler)

Saturday’s from 8th August:

2pm – 6pm 1-2-1’s


2pm Scent for All (Active and Passive)

3.30pm Off Lead Activities (Jumping Lane, Hoopers, Jumping Courses, Temptation Alleys, Parkour Challenges….)

5pm Space Dogs


2pm – 6pm 1-2-1’s

6pm  Puppies under 20 weeks at joining

7.30pm  Lockdown Puppies under approximately six months


2pm – 6pm  1-2-1’s

6pm  Life Skills for Cheerful Thugs

7.15pm Competitive Obedience


2pm – 4pm 1-2-1’s

4pm Scent Level 1&2

5.30pm  Scent Level 2

7pm Scent Level 3+


2 – 6pm 1-2-1’s

6pm Life Skills for Cheerful Thugs

7.30 Life Skills for Cheerful Thugs