Summer Puppy Classes

Puppy classes will be held at 6.30 each Monday evening. To accommodate everyone’s holiday arrangements it will not be a fixed term course this time, but on a come when you can, pay as you go basis, with puppies graduating as and when they are ready. We will be...
Scent Discrimination

Scent Discrimination

Great morning of Scent Discrimination. The dogs all worked beautifully, developing their Active Indication and introducing decoys. Well done everyone.                                                                                                                 ...
New Classes and Courses May – June 2018

New Classes and Courses May – June 2018

Get Ready for Summer: Brush up your Dog’s Life Skills! This is a very practical, ‘real world’ course which will prepare you and your dog for summer walks and outings. Improving your dog’s loose lead walking, attention, recall and settle will...
Puppy Graduation Class of April 2018

Puppy Graduation Class of April 2018

Congratulations to Dyfi, Hamish, Ola and Tegan graduationg with honours from their Puppy Foundation Course. Especial well done to Suzanne and Dyfi, you both did tremendously well and thoroughly deserved your “Most Improved” prize. I will look forward to...
Puppy Foundation Classes

Puppy Foundation Classes

PUPPY FOUNDATION CLASSES  LAST TWO PLACES! This course will show you and your pup the basic skills to start them on the path to becoming confident, happy and well-mannered dogs. Commencing 14th May 6.30-8pm For puppies under the age of approximately 20 weeks. Puppy...