Get Ready for Summer: Brush up your Dog’s Life Skills!

This is a very practical, ‘real world’ course which will prepare you and your dog for summer walks and outings. Improving your dog’s loose lead walking, attention, recall and settle will help you all have a great time wherever your summer’s adventures take you. Dogs work together, so this class is for friendly, confident dogs only. If you need help with barking or lunging behaviours please email

Scent Detection Classes

Dogs with some or no experience welcome are welcome to attend these first three classes. We will work on the indication and search confidence, ready to take their searching skills to the next level. Dogs who need space can work individually.

Competitive Obedience

We will introduce all the exercises of Competitive Obedience from Pre-Beginner to Open ‘C’ in this three week block of classes. Other than the ‘Stay’ exercise (which is not compulsory) dogs work individually, therefore all levels of experience are welcome.